The following is a list of books, articles, and links to web sites that discuss Synchronicity, Past Lives, Psychic Sensitivity, Dreams, Meditation, Indigo & Crystal Children, etc. that Lowell recommends for individuals new to the area of Metaphysics as well as those well versed in this area.
I encourage you all to listen to the
Playing For Change - Song Around the World "Stand By Me"
musical collaboration video on YouTube below.
I believe it will touch your Soul because it magnificently captures the essence of the idea that we are all connected through the very essence of our Being.
May Peace throughout the world become a reality in your lifetime.
Basic Reading List
- The Celestine Prophecy
by James Redfield is a book that I consider a primer on metaphysical things.
- Many Lives Many Masters
by Brian Weiss, MD is an excellent book on past lives and metaphysical principles.
- There is A River
by Thomas Sugrue. This is the fist Biography of Edgar Cayce written in 1942 while Edgar Cayce was still alive. Thomas Sugrue was the college roommate of Edgar Cayce's son Hugh Lynn Cayce.
The Sleeping Prophet
by Jess Stearn. This is the second Biography of Edgar Cayce written in 1967 while Hugh Lynn Cayce was still alive.
- The Essential Edgar Cayce
by Mark Thurston, Ph.D. In this book, Mark presents dozens of the best Cayce readings in their entirety with insightful commentary on topics such as The Nature of Reality, The Psychology of the Soul and Spirit, Reincarnation and Life Purpose, Esoteric Christianity and more.
- The Multisensory Human: Evolution of the Soul
by Kathy Callaghan, Ph.D. contains a very clear and concise discussion about the evolution of humankind based on the material from the Edgar Cayce readings as well as from Anthropological evidence, which happens to be Dr. Callaghan's Ph.D. topic.
Indigo & Crystal Children Literature
- Indigos, Crystals & Star Children: Who They Are - My Experiences
Rev. Lowell K. Smith
- Indigos, Crystals & Star Children: Characteristics & Purpose
Rev. Lowell K. Smith
- The Indigo Children - The New Kids Have Arrived (1999)
Lee Carroll & Jan Tober
- An Indigo Celebration - More Messages, Stories, and Insights from the Indigo Children (2001)
Lee Carroll & Jan Tober
- How To Raise An Indigo Child - 10 Keys for Cultivating a Child's Natural Brilliance (2002)
Barbara Condron, D.M., D.D., B.J.
- The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children (2001)
Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.
- Anger and the Indigo Child (2002)
Dianne Lancaster
- Spiritually Healing the Indigo Children (And Adult Indigos, Too!)
Wayne Dosick, Ph.D. and Ellen Kaufman Dosick, MSW
- The Crystal Children: A Guide to the Newest Generation of Psychic and Sensitive Children (2003)
Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.
Links to On-Line Resources
Indigo & Crystal Children Web Site Links